Books and CD's
Becoming Conscious:
The Enneagram's Forgotten Passageway
Did you know that you are not your personality? Beneath your outer layers of self is an authentic, beautiful being exactly as it came from heaven. Discover this wonderful, real you and draw from its miraculous power in Becoming Conscious. Learn from clinical psychologist and spiritual teacher Dr. Joseph Howell how to:
- Find the root causes of your suffering and unhappiness.
- Free yourself of the traps that seduce your ego.
- Be renewed with a sense of inner knowing, childlike joy, and wonder.
- Stop being driven by what others expect of you.
- Increase your tolerance and understanding of friends, spouse, children, and co-workers.
- Relate to others on deep, meaningful levels.
- Grow in consciousness of your specific divine purpose and your connection to the planet.
- Understand your repeated, self-defeating patterns and learn clear ways to stop them.
- Become consciously present.
Reach your full potential as Dr. Howell explains the powerful and deeply spiritual Enneagram and relates it to your life. Whatever your beliefs may be, Becoming Conscious is a life-changing journey.
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Meditation for Healing and Relaxation

... an experience of
ultimate tranquility.
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Dr. Howell has written several articles for greater understanding of psychology, dreams, healing and spirituality. These can be ordered by credit card (Master Card/Visa) for $5.00 each by calling the office at (256) 238-8113.
- Dreams and Spiritual Development
- Dreams and the Unconscious
- The Human Shadow in Christian and Secular Terms
- Introduction to The Enneagram
- The Enneagram Self Assessment Questionnaire
- The Eight Stages of Spiritual and Psychological Growth
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